is one of the most useful and important parts of using a computer, and
yet it's also one of the most frustrating. If you're plagued by slow
speeds, bad reception, and other Wi-Fi issues, here are 10 ways you can
power up the Wi-Fi in your home.
10. Use the Latest Wi-Fi Technologies
of the best ways to make sure your network is as fast and reliable as
possible is to use up-to-date hardware. We've gone through the basics of
router hardware before, so check out the first lesson of our networking Night School
for the full lowdown. The main thing you need to know: Wireless A, B,
and G are old and slow, and wireless N will give you the fastest speeds
around. Note that you'll need both a wireless N router and a wireless N
card in your computer if you want the full speed boost.
9. Find the Perfect Spot for Your Router
may be ugly, but that doesn't mean you should hide them behind the TV
cabinet. If you want the best signal, you'll need it out in the open, free of any walls and obstructions. Point the antennas vertically, and elevate the router if you can (one reader found that his attic was the perfect spot). Lastly, make sure its in the center of your house, so you have the best coverage possible throughout your home.
8. Find the Right Wireless Channel
you have neighbors, their routers may be interfering with yours and
causing the signal to degrade. Wireless routers can operate on a number
of different channels, and you want yours on a channel with as little
interference as possible. Use a tool like Wi-Fi Stumbler or Wi-Fi Analyzer to find the perfect channel in your house.
7. Get Rid of Interference from Other Appliances
routers aren't the only thing that can cause interference. Cordless
phones, microwaves, and other appliances can muck with your signal as
well. Buying a dual band router can help with this, but you can also buy cordless phones on other bands too. If you don't want to buy new hardware, you can always try moving your router further away from interfering appliances, too.
6. Thwart Wi-Fi Thieves with Better Security
Even if your router has a password, it can be really easy to hack. There are easy ways to find out if someone is stealing your Wi-Fi,
but the best thing to do is just lock them out with better security.
Using a WPA password is absolutely essential, but even those can be
cracked pretty easil.
5. Control Bandwidth-Hogging Applications
someone in your house regularly video chats, plays online games,
torrents files, or uses services like Netflix, they may be hogging
bandwidth and making the internet slower for everyone else. Luckily, you
can use something called Quality of Service—or QoS for short—to reign
in those bandwidth hogs. With QoS, you can prioritize certain
applications (say, video chat) over others (like video games) so the
most important applications get the bandwidth they deserve.
4. Increase Wi-Fi Range with DIY Tricks
If your router still won't reach far enough, you can extend its range with simple DIY tricks. Our favorite is the Windsurfer tin foil hack, thougn you can also use an old beer can or a cooking strainer
to extend your router's range. The results won't necessarily be mind
blowing, but you should be able to eke a bit more distance out of your
Wi-Fi network with minimal effort.
3. Boost Your Router's Signal with a Bit of Hacking
Another great way to extend your range is to hack your router and install the DD-WRT firmware.
Not only will it give you a ton of great security features and other
enhancements, but it gives you the option to boost your transmitting
power. This can be dangerous for your router, but most routers can
handle an increase up to 70 mW without causing any issues, and you'll be
able to access your network from much further away!
2. Turn an Old Router Into a Wi-Fi Repeater
that still doesn't help, you'll need to get a range extender for your
home. They aren't super expensive, but if you don't want to pay for
another piece of hardware, you can actually turn an old wireless router into an extender with the aforementioned DD-WRT firmware.
Note that you may not be able to get as fast of a connection through
your extender, but if you just can't seem to get Wi-Fi on the edge of
your house, this'll get the job done on the cheap.